Community Ministry is an essential part of our serving church.
We are heavily involved with supporting our neighborhoods and nations.
Ladies Missionary Fellowship
LMF is a group of women within the church, whose primary focus is to support, uplift, and encourage our missionary families locally and abroad.
We meet the second Monday of each month at
6:30 pm to discuss missionary support, talk about ways we can serve here at Wooddale, and of course eat snacks! This ministry is for all women in the church, so we invite all ladies to come.
Serving Opportunities
If you would like to learn more about how you can get involved in serving in our community please contact Kylie, our Community Activities Coordinator. She will be more than happy to guide you in the right direction to find the best fit for you.
Prayers for Police
In 2015, the Wooddale Kids Jr. Church made a commitment to pray for a Police Officer by name each month. Since then, we have prayed for over 70 officers and are still going strong! We also encourage our kids to think of other ways they can be supportive. They have sent cards, raised money for the local Police Department K-9 program, and have asked officers to visit us at church so they may experience the gospel and be encouraged.
We are always looking for new officers to pray for. If you know anyone in law enforcement or if you are an officer, please contact Cassie so we can pray for you!
Missionary Support
We strongly support the work our missionaries are doing across the nations. Here at Wooddale we spend a lot of time in prayer asking God how we can best support our missionaries financially and communicatively. Our Ladies Missionary Fellowship are intentional about keeping in contact with our missionaries and learning about their needs so we can better serve them.